Babo Weekend

Friday night a little after 6 the servers for baboviolent 2 went down, and they haven’t come back up yet. this is the longest period of time that they have been done in the last three years. Over its history the servers where first provided by the creators dZb and Daivuk, then when they didnt want to pay for servers for a free game Vamp stepped up and paid for about a year, then Deathray took over when Vamp got sick of doing it, and now? Has Deathray really stopped suppliying servers (he hasnt been part of the community for months now) or is the server company just having hicups? Personally I actually hope the servers are gone for good because then I can host my own servers like I am doing now and people will play them, Deathray grew tired of moderating his servers and cheating and racism grew rampant, I personally love babo and despise lame Administrators so when I am hosting I can appoint good admins and demote them if they do not act responsibly. I enjoy hosting the servers and hope to do so for a long time.