New Job, New Town, I love it

Two months since last post, alot has been going on. Within a week of moving to Garner I received a job at a company that acted as middle men for AT&T Cellular tower installations, it was really quite neat but the job was basically data entry and run by people (very very nice people who I enjoyed working with) who had never done data entry so they had no idea what to expect us to do. I would have most likely stuck it out for much longer but my first week their another company called me up to see if I was still interested in a technical support role which is what I really want to do for the rest of my life.

Long story short I got the second job and quit the first, I am now a happily employed Technical Support Engineer with an independent software company and I love it. With this rejuvenated passion for working in the IT field I now want to begin studying for the Cisco Certified Network Administrator (CCNA) and the Red Hat Enterprise Certified Administrator, just not sure which one to go with first, I am leaning towards Red Hat.